From interventions to art work to monthly yoga themes, all of them are connected by an underlying quest: khôra.

The MA Humanistic Studies and its final thesis with a literature research
and a co-created art project on khôra are at the basis of this quest.
The root of this concept is found in Plato’s Timaios, it was reinterpreted
by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. Khôra is seen as space for difference and creation.

On the one hand, khôra is a container concept. On the other hand it
depicts an essence of life. Khôra is non-dual and can be read as reminder
to stay critical, self-reflective, curious and open (minded).

Tuinhof de Moed about this personal quest:
“It keeps me alert to the fact that there is always more than can be seen
and understood in our present moment and context. Plato and Derrida
state that khôra cannot be described, but can be experienced.
Seeing experience as a touchstone of validity, I try to apply
and cherish khôra in all areas of my life.”

Curriculum Vitae ATDM English


Annemiek Tuinhof de Moed