Any idea what connects the following concepts: Door, hat, lid, cap, phone?
Since my son is out here, he has initiated me into a completely different kind of being in and perception of the world. He speaks a language rich of Dutch, Greek, English and his own making(s). Door, hat, lid, cap and phone are all indicated by him as ‘Bhô’.
There is nothing more valuable than ‘Bhô’.
It sets borders and opens worlds. It closes something which can, by means of that same object, be opened. It may ignite experiences of being opened oneself to different domains.
Thankfully the festive days made me put my phone-including its schedules and regular timetables- aside. With Marshall McLuhan I would depict the phone as hot medium: not inspiring engagement nor dedication of whatever kind. Though from my son’s perspective it also enables communication with overseas friends and family, previous experiences…
‘Bhô’ reminds me:
as I choose this, I close that
as I encounter difficulty here
the core of that same difficulty
also points to a way out
To speak with Robert Rehder’s poem Where and Now: Every word has more than one meaning, everything is between.
Wishing all of you a beautiful start of a new year full of ‘Bhô’!
Invitation: What closes also opens, keep this in mind as you reconnect.
Attend: What seems closed/stagnated? Patiently look and feel again.
Poem: Where and Now (Robert Rehder)